The nonstop news about Internet security vulnerabilities and incidents could lead one to

despair for the future of the Internet. However, what often does not make the news is all the quality research that contributes ultimately to a more secure, private, and trustworthy Internet. Quality academic research that is open and easily accessible is one of our best long-term investments in a truly open and trustable Internet. The Internet Society is proud of its long association with and support for the Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium. Ground breaking quality research papers from over twenty years of NDSS symposia dating back to 1997 are all freely available on the Internet Society website. Earlier this year, NDSS 2017 was the biggest NDSS to date with 68 academic papers, two keynotes, and two workshops. For the first time, NDSS 2017 ran a two-track conference and recorded the presentations. Be sure to check out all the excellent recordings online via the online program or our new YouTube channel. Currently, the NDSS Steering and Organizing Committees are hard at work laying the groundwork for a successful NDSS 2018. The Call For Papers has been out for some time now, and the deadline for submission, 11 August 2017, is rapidly approaching. The NDSS 2018 Program Co-Chairs, Patrick Traynor from the University of Florida and Alina Oprea from Northeastern University, have finalized a very impressive program committee to conduct rigorous evaluation of the submissions. In addition, the Workshop Co-Chairs, Mathias Payer from Purdue University and Matthew Smith from the University of Bonn, have announced the Call for Workshops with submissions due by 31 August 2017. This year they are soliciting both full and half day proposals to add additional diversity to the workshop program. Finally, the Internet Society is soliciting partners to help support this exciting and valuable symposium. There are a number of sponsorship opportunities outlined on the NDSS sponsorship information page. Any questions or suggestions about the symposium in general or sponsorship in particular are welcome at
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