Like filing taxes or carving a turkey, finding those extra little details about somebody

online is a life skill we all eventually acquire. Some people are just naturally more, uh...dedicated when it comes to digging up dirt. Whether it's a hyper-vigilant Tinder date, your prospective future employer, or an ex that's a little too curious if you're dating someone new, here are a few of the ingeniously creepy ways people are looking you up and keeping tabs on you. Doing a reverse image search of your Tinder photos It's surprisingly easy to figure out someone's full name from a dating website by simply doing a reverse image search of their photos. They screenshot your brooding head shots/tiger-cuddling pics and upload them into Google's reverse image search. Since the pics you've selected for your dating profile are probably "good" shots, odds are you've used them as profile pics elsewhere. Google will dig up the pages where these same photos are posted online, which means in just a few clicks they'll probably be able to find out quite a bit about you.                     
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