In case you missed it, Google just unveiled a bounty of new products: an AI-assisted

speaker for your home, a radical router system that will finally fix your crappy Wi-Fi, and the slick new Pixel smartphone to rival the iPhone. Google's announcement -- a bare-bones presentation with a few simple slides -- was in stark contrast to the grand theatrics Apple puts on during its semi-annual keynotes. It was as if Google was trying to beat Apple at its own game: clean, simple design paired with devices that are just as easy to use as they are to explain. Google and Apple have always stepped on each other's toes to some extent, but this big product drop signifies that Google is aggressively throwing itself into hardware and encroaching on Apple's turf more than ever before. As Google tries to shed its nerdy image and make a grab at disgruntled iPhone owners, the competition between the two tech giants is about to get a hell of a lot more heated.   
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