Like a carrot on a stick, Apple has trained us to eagerly await a brand-new iPhone every

fall. For the better part of a decade, it's wrangled consumers into its product release cycle, enticing us to upgrade with industry-shaping cameras, impressively intuitive features, and shiny rose-colored designs. Thing is, the magic that once had us lining up starry-eyed outside the Apple Store has waned. Bringing a new and markedly better phone to market every year just isn't sustainable, and it shows. The cost has gone up, but the wow-factor has flatlined. A quick cost-benefit analysis makes it pretty clear that a pricey upgrade isn't worth a few kind-of-cool features. We'd rather just hang on to our old phones, thanks. So here we are, on the advent of yet another much-hyped release. Will the iPhone 7 have what it takes to finally quell our disillusionment? We've got quite a few grievances, and only Apple can solve them                
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