There was a very clear period of time when the selfie -- much like the duck face, or taking
photos with iPads -- was still a relatively new phenomenon prone to widespread public ridicule. Early pioneers of the selfie charged ahead into this brave new world even as the rest of us hung back and hurled self-righteous insults their way. Alas, we all leave the Garden eventually. We realized that selfies get more likes, Kim Kardashian published a book of selfies, and Apple gave us a specific photo album on our iPhones to house our selfies. We begrudgingly accepted them into our cultural vernacular.
But no matter how cool we are with selfies, #DrivingSelfies will never, ever be cool. #DrivingSelfies are dumb and dangerous, and Instagram should ban them.
According to the NTSA (that's the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, y'all), at any given moment during any given day, 660,000 people are using their phones while they drive. Four in 10 of those people are on social media. Fourteen percent of those people are on Instagram, and posting selfies with imbecilic hashtags like #HopeIDon'tDie.