Many continue struggling to make sense of Donald Trump's unexpected presidential

victory, and in the hurricane of hot takes and theories being thrown out, a great deal of blame is being cast on Facebook. It's not only getting flack for building an algorithm that propagates an echo chamber of opinion, but more troubling, for failing to smack down blatantly false, hyperpartisan political news stories and hoaxes that trended across the site in the lead-up to the election. In recent days, Mark Zuckerberg has vociferously defended his company against the accusations, going so far as to say the notion that fake news stories shared on Facebook could influence the election in any way is "crazy." However, according to leaks spilling out from Facebook HQ, many employees are not only challenging their CEO by acknowledging that the company has a serious fake-news problem, they've also launched a "secret" internal task force to come together and help fix it.                             
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