When you think back to what you accomplished by age 22, you can probably

tick off a few things to feel good about: maybe you got into college, or graduated from college, or thought about doing both of those things but could only make it into Hamburger U. Regardless, you’d be kidding yourself to think you were anywhere near as accomplished as Boyan Slat, who at 22-years-old has invented a groundbreaking system that could ultimately rid the ocean of trash. The Dutch millennial has a startup, The Ocean Cleanup, which recently unveiled its first prototype in the North Atlantic and is on track to unleash a full-scale system in the Pacific Ocean sometime next year. It’s an ambitious project for sure, but definitely worth paying attention to -- if only as a reminder that regardless of who wins the election, our future may not be as screwed up as it seems.                                        https://www.thrillist.com/tech/nation/ocean-cleanup-project-startup-water-pollution-in-the-ocean/tech
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