Do you know how to use multiple Snapchat filters at the same damn time?! You really

should, because it's easy, and you're smart. Here's the deal.Step 4: Swipe to your second filter There are currently three "classes" of filter: middle, perimeter, and whole-screen. You'll notice that if your first filter is from the former group, you'll only be able to access the latter groups for filter #2. (Otherwise, they'd fill the same space, and look like butt.)On videos, you'll have a fourth class of filters available: the ones that manipulate the speed and direction of the video. Repeating the same process, you should be able to apply: one color, one middle, one perimeter, slo-mo/fast-forward, AND reverse. Why? Mostly just because you can. No matter how many filters you've applied, you can still write text (multiple lines of it, if you want!), draw, and use the free-form emoji. Go nuts.                 
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