Unless you're one of the lucky few with unlimited cell data, you're probably all too
familiar with the data overage charges you can rack up just by living your normal Netflix-binging, Snapchat-loving life. But all it takes to stop the madness is disabling some semi-hidden settings and making a few behaviorial tweaks. Here's how to prevent those pesky fees from showing up on your next billing cycle. Our collective laziness loves not having to press play to watch whatever adorable puppy video shows up in our News Feeds, but that little feature is a huge data-eater. Simply turning it off can do a great deal to cut back on how much data you’re going through month to month. In your Facebook app, go to Settings > Videos and Photos > Autoplay > On Wi-Fi Connections Only. For Twitter, open the app, tap the Settings cog wheel > hit Video autoplay > select Use Wi-Fi only. https://www.thrillist.com/tech/nation/how-to-save-iphone-data-usage/tech