Just reading the words "artificial intelligence" brings to mind some far-off

dystopian future where sentient robots roam the planet violently snuffing out humanity. Hollywood and killjoys like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have done a hell of a job stoking our worst fears, but the truth is, AI is already alive and well -- and, actually, making your life way easier. Here are just a few things you should be taking advantage of.A robot that gets you out of pricey parking tickets Appealing a parking ticket can be such a royal pain in the ass, you'd probably rather pay up than deal with it. But now, drivers in New York and London (and soon Seattle) can offload the hassle to an AI lawyer bot. DoNotPay automatically contests questionable tickets on your behalf -- for free! Touted as "the world's first robot lawyer," the program first determines whether the ticket is eligible for appeal, then walks you through every step to effectively file one. How successful is this robot lawyer? Well, since it was launched less than two years ago, the bot's helped win 64% of the 250,000 cases -- saving drivers roughly $4 million in the process. Fingers crossed it will eventually figure out how to get us out of jury duty, too.                            https://www.thrillist.com/tech/nation/artificial-intelligence-bots-and-smart-apps/tech
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