Unless you've committed to life as a Luddite, chances are you have far more passwords

than you can possibly keep track of. And if you're anything like I was, you've devised some convoluted system of post-it notes and mnemonic devices in order to remember all the alphanumerical gobbledygook you've been forced to come up with to keep your accounts protected. There's an easier way, my friends. If you don't suffer from this problem because you use the same password for everything, you're breaking the cardinal rule of the digital age: create a unique password for every site and service you use. Trust me, your favorite food + your mom's birthday is not that secure. First thing's first: take stock of all your passwords for every site/service/account you've got that you actually want to access. Netflix! Amazon! Your bank! Your iCloud! Your old Myspace! Go ahead... we'll wait.                         https://www.thrillist.com/tech/nation/best-free-password-manager-lastpass/tech
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