A droplet of wine will fall rather than run down the side of the bottle when a groove is

cut just below the lip of the bottle. Credit: Brandeis University No more whining over spilt wine: A scientist has created a wine bottle lip that doesn't drip. Daniel Perlman — wine lover, inventor and Brandeis University biophysicist — spent three years studying how wine flows across the lip of a wine bottle, causing it to drip. He found that dripping was most substantial when a bottle was fuller, and that the stream of wine would curl backward over the lip of the bottle. In addition, the glass wine bottle is hydrophilic, or "water loving," meaning the droplet is attracted to the glass bottle. Solutions to the wine-dripping problem had already made its way into the market, with wine devices designed to be inserted into the bottle's neck to prevent spillage. However, Perlman didn't want a tertiary solution that forced wine drinkers to purchase an additional product. [Photos: Amazing Microscopic Views of Italian Cocktails]        https://www.livescience.com/58467-physicist-creates-no-drip-wine-bottle.html
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