It's 2017. You've already seen the articles on GetThinWithoutWorkingDotCom and

LetUsShameYouAboutYourDietDotOrg, the ones telling you how you can't eat stuff from the supermarket due to reasons. Reasons like how much BPA is in the packaging, or how many additives are in the recipe, or how they make the texture just right by adding tiny hairs from the wrong kind of beaver. That stuff's true, but it's only half of the story... and not even the worst half. We reached out to current and former grocery store workers, plus combed through some industry reports, and identified the grossest foods and biggest ripoffs in the industry. If you eat food, like, at all, you'll definitely want to check out (see what we did there?) this list. Editor’s Note: Naturally, all grocery stores aren't created equally, especially when it comes to what's natural. Take this with a grain of salt. But not too much salt. That's usually a sign that something's being covered up.              
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