Screw your annoying friends who post excited engagement photos on Valentine's Day, the

marriage of coffee and donuts is the most romantic coupling to happen in the month of February. And Krispy Kreme is about to make any coffee-and-donut lover extremely happy, as it's giving away a free donut with the purchase of its new coffee beginning February 6. To celebrate the launch of its two new coffee blends -- Smooth and Rich, neither of which were my nickname in high school -- Krispy Kreme is hooking folks up with a complimentary original glazed. And since everything good in the world must eventually end, the free donut giveaway is happening only until the end of the month. If you love Krispy Kreme coffee but are too lazy to leave your office, check out how it stacks up to other Keurig K-Cups (but keep in mind that it's KK's previous coffee blend!). Disclaimer: Drinking Keurig Krispy Kreme does not come with a free donut.                                                                  
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