If you haven't been watching the news in the last few hours, here's a quick catchup on

Hurricane Harvey. People are still being evacuated, and the rain isn't even over yet. They're having to release levees, which puts even more homes in the flood path, but might save the total destruction of other areas. Even when the rain stops and the flood water has receded, the emotional and environmental damage has only just begun for the people of Texas. People left their homes with a simple bag (if they were lucky) and possibly a pet or two, clinging to loved ones and shielding babies from the rain that's still falling. I hadn't even considered the fact that leaving your home, in a moment's notice, as water is rising, means you probably didn't have a chance to pack 12-plus diapers per day for a newborn, or for a senior who needs care. Not knowing how long you'll be gone is a really tough mental space to be in. Now, tack on the strain of losing everything you own. Even worse, imagine showing up to a disaster relief location only to find out that diapers aren't supplied. In comes the Austin Diaper Bank. Holly McDaniel, executive director, said the following: "We want to make sure that an adequate supply of diapers isn't a worry during these stressful times. Diapers aren't supplied by disaster relief agencies, and they're essential to keep babies, children, and adults clean, dry, and healthy." If you have the ability to donate, here are all the ways to help. 1) Have diapers shipped directly to the Austin Diaper Bank: Amazon Wish List 2) Host a diaper drive: email lindsaymartinez@austindiapers.org 3) Make a cash gift (they take PayPal) here. 4) Drop off diapers in Texas. Locations listed below:                                                                                                                                                                          http://www.bestproducts.com/parenting/news/a1591/texas-needs-diapers-heres-how-to-help/
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