If you spend your time daydreaming about attending Hogwarts or wishing you could join

Harry Potter's squad, Google may have something that will brighten your day … literally. You can now cast a "spell" — the same way wizards and witches in Potter's world wield their wands — to turn your smartphone's flashlight on and off. The good news? It's so easy even muggles can do it. The bad news? You have to have an Android phone. To cast a spell, users can say "Ok Google," and then "Lumos" to turn the phone's flashlight on, or "Nox" to turn the flashlight off. Wannabe wizards can also use the command "Silencio" to silence the phone's ringer and notifications, David Blanar, who christened himself Google's "apprentice magizoologist," wrote in a blog post on the company's website.                  https://www.livescience.com/56728-cast-spells-on-your-android-phone.html
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