Elon Musk has built a career out of devising bold and borderline insane transportation

ideas, from hatching plans to colonize Mars, to the Hyperloop, which would put passengers in pneumatic tubes (basically like those you use at a drive-up bank teller) and transport them across the continent in literal minutes. Well, theoretical minutes anyway, since the Hyperloop is still in development. However, his latest proposal may be his wackiest yet. Late last year, our real-life Tony Stark announced via Twitter that he intends to build a tunnel beneath LA in order to avoid the city's crippling traffic jams during his commute. Many presumed he was joking, but in a follow-up tweet this week, Musk indicated that the plan is very real.                https://www.thrillist.com/tech/nation/elon-musk-tweets-los-angeles-tunnel-plan/tech
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