Jewelbots are friendship bracelets that also teach kids how to code. Credit: Jewelbots

Friendship bracelets have been a mainstay of middle-school fashion for decades. From knotted threads to plastic lanyards to interlocking charms, each generation seems to find its own unique way of displaying its social network. And for today’s tweens, the latest incarnation could be wearable technology, but with some educational benefits. A new product called Jewelbots aims to elevate friendship bracelets from fashionable status symbols to an interactive, educational tool that teaches kids to code. The bracelet's coding aspect was always the primary goal for Jewelbots co-founders Sara Chipps and Brooke Moreland. Chipps, now CEO of the company, has been coding since her preteen years, and in 2010, she founded a national nonprofit called Girl Develop It, which offered a series of low-cost coding classes for adult women. But Chipps said she heard repeatedly from these women that they wished they could have learned coding skills when they were young. [Best Educational Toys & Games for Kids]                        
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