Ever wish you could go back and record that custom sports car that just raced by, or that

awesome jump shot your kid just made? A new wearable camera lets you do just that: go back in time, so to speak, to retroactively capture those fleeting moments you thought you missed. Called the Perfect Memory camera, developed by New York-based General Streaming Systems, the 12-megapixel device is pocket-size and lightweight. With a tap of its touch screen, it can record video and audio, and is capable of full-high-definition (HD) 1080p video. Here's how it works: With its AutoEdit mode, the camera is continuously recording, and when you tap its touch screen, it saves footage from the previous 5 minutes, or any other duration you want to set. This allows people to retroactively save a video of an event after the fact. [Photo Future: 7 High-Tech Ways to Share Images]                    https://www.livescience.com/56077-wearable-high-definition-camera.html
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