Yo dawg! Are you looking to upgrade your screen and max-out your phone, homie? Are

you trying to get folders in folders in folders to save space and turn your life around? Have you been reading this entire article in (X-to-the-Z) Xzibits' gravelly and strangely sensual voice? Good. That means you are definitely ready to pimp out your iPhone, by gaining the uncanny ability to slap a folder inside another folder with iOS 9. Now, this isn't an official Apple function -- in fact, it's kind of a glitch -- but we won't tell if you don't. Remember: snitches get stitches, as Xzibit would (probably) say.                                https://www.thrillist.com/tech/nation/how-to-put-a-folder-inside-a-folder-on-ios9-iphone-folder-hacks-and-tricks/tech
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