"In sickness and in health" is given lip service at every wedding, but here's a couple that

actually walks the walk -- or... hoverboards the walk, as it were. John and Judy Anderson have been together for nearly 60 years. They met in 1958, obviously a very long time before the hoverboard was invented, but little did they know it would become an important daily fixture in their relationship. Anyone who's ever helped their grandmother set up her email knows that new technology can be intimidating for seniors. I mean, I'm in my 30s, and the first time I saw a hoverboard I thought, "What the hell is this garbage?" But here's the story of a 78-year-old man who saw one and thought, "Yeah, I'll ride one. And I'll take my wife along with me."                      https://www.thrillist.com/tech/nation/old-man-using-hoverboard-to-push-wifes-wheelchair-is-real-love/tech
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