Taking clear photos at night with your iPhone is about as likely as making it through a whole

day on a single battery charge. That is to say, it doesn't happen. But it's not necessarily Apple's fault. Odds are you're making some critical mistakes as a nighttime photographer, so here are some quick and easy tips to snap better low-light shots with your smartphone, without filtering it to all hell on Instagram.One of the most common pitfalls when it comes to low-light photography is rampant blurriness, since the shutter stays open longer to accommodate for limited light. To combat this, you could arm yourself with one of many excellent pocket-sized tripods out there, or in a pinch, steady your phone against a solid surface (like a railing) while you shoot the pic. If neither of those are viable options, steady yourself against something (a wall, lamp post, car, etc.) and hold your breath when you hit the shutter.                                  https://www.thrillist.com/tech/nation/iphone-pictures-better-night-low-light-photos/tech
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