The next time you take yourself out to the ball game, don't buy some peanuts and Cracker

Jacks. For one, why would you buy peanuts and Cracker Jacks when Cracker Jacks already have peanuts in them? And secondly, food at baseball parks has gotten much, much better since the days when the Sultan of Swat served up dingers with a side of stale popcorn in a box with what we can only assume is an illustration of a child-slave sailor and his loyal attack dog. Every modern MLB cathedral has more copious and varied food options than Babu's Dream Cafe, and each park always has a signature dish that simply outplays the rest of the roster. These national-pastime meals add character and culinary ambience to their respective parks, and in their own little way,can make even the most boring of games (Marlins vs. Padres in mid-August, anyone?) somehow bearable. Now please rise and remove your caps: These are the best foods at every Major League ballpark.         
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