DANISH CHEF MADS REFSLUND is the co-founder of Noma, one of the most prestigious

restaurants in the world, but his first cookbook is about trash. "I had in my brain that my first cookbook would be a restaurant cookbook," he admits, but his friend and co-author, forager Tama Matsuoka Wong, convinced him to pen something about cooking with wasted food instead. The result is Scraps, Wilt & Weeds, which shows you how to turn things like vegetable juice pulp and coffee grounds into pastas and panna cottas. "I have always cooked with things no one tends to use because I always thought it was stupid to throw it out," Refslund explains. "It is money that you are throwing away." As a chef, he felt it was his responsibility to teach others how to use up foods -- like cauliflower cores and fish collars -- that are typically tossed without thought. "I think people throw these [perfectly edible] foods away because of a lack of knowledge -- they just don’t know how to cook with them," he says. Leek roots, for example, are trimmed off and binned, but Refslund believes if people realized that the roots could be turned into something delicious, they wouldn’t want to throw it away.                      https://www.thrillist.com/eat/nation/flat-beer-dessert-recipes/food-and-drink
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