It's all too easy to roll your eyes at yet another Apple announcement, or some fancy new

stylus for your fancy new tablet, or a "smart" water bottle that coaches you how to drink water like an infant. Over-hyped gizmos come and go, but there's a whole world of cutting edge tech out there actually worth getting super excited about. I'm talking about the wild innovations in medical tech currently in development that will not only save peoples' lives, but will keep us living for a hell of a lot longer than you ever dreamed possible.Anti-aging pills and proteins will keep you alive well past 100 We mortal humans have been searching for a fountain of youth for as long as we’ve been roaming the Earth. There are a number of startups currently dedicated to beating the aging process -- one is Elysium Health, run by an MIT biologist who believes that tweaking our metabolisms is the key to living longer. His research shows that ingesting certain compounds has extended the healthy lifespan of lab rats, and markets the product in a little blue over-the-counter anti-aging pill. It’s not just the little guys who are investing in this stuff, though. The Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis is trying to harness the power of a mysterious protein; injecting it into the blood of older mice has been shown to reverse aging and rejuvenate brain and muscle function. Even Google’s in on the mission. It’s incubated a stealth health firm known as Calico with a singular mission: extend human lifespans. Nanobots will swim in your bloodstream and eliminate early cancer cells How's this for sci-fi: tadpole-esque disease-fighters will swim through our bloodstreams to fend off cancer and other jerk cells trying to kill us. Researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute have been developing ways to deploy special “robots” made from synthetic DNA that would seek out and destroy cancerous cells, even before they’ve been detected in a patient. Early studies in cell cultures and animals have been promising, and the first human trial was conducted last year.                   
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