When Apple unveiled its new iPhone 7 last week, Senior Vice President of Hardware

Engineering Phil Schiller called the device's camera one of the most advanced ever put in a smartphone. Cameras in phones are so commonplace now that users take them for granted, but improving the picture-taking capabilities of the newest devices means cramming a lot of tech into a small, and thin, package. Upgrading the cameras in smartphones typically requires improving the sensors that pick up the image, the optics that focus it and, perhaps most importantly, the software and computing power in the phone, said Daniel Sakols, vice president of business development at Amalence Inc., which makes the imaging technology for companies such as phone maker Huawei. "There was a big increase in the available processing power to take this image information and do radically new things with it," Sakols told Live Science. [Photo Future: 7 High-Tech Ways to Share Images]                                            https://www.livescience.com/56135-how-camera-technology-in-smartphones-improved.html
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