I am very famous and important, which means taking the subway is a burden. I get

tired easily and do not like it when stairs go up. So, I prefer to be picked up and shuttled around the City That Never Sleeps™ in an air-conditioned car. And because I'm so fun to be around, I always want to share the ride. That is why I always take an uberPOOL. UberPOOL pairs you with other riders heading in the same direction as you. In addition to helping you save money, it provides endless entertainment as you're granted the opportunity to share the backseat of a car with strangers from every walk of life. The Uber gods have blessed me with a plethora of amusing POOLers and I have overheard a great many things during my rides. Here is a sampling:                               https://www.thrillist.com/tech/nation/funniest-conversations-overheard-in-uberpool/tech
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