MEAT AND POTATOES are, well, the meat and potatoes of almost every fast-food

operation in America. This industry was quite literally founded on the buns of the noble hamburger -- with some notable legwork from its loyal sidekick, the French fry. It's a classic partnership. "WENDY'S SELLS ONE MILLION BAKED POTATOES A WEEK" But only one national fast food chain in America, Wendy's, stocks a baked version of the humble spud at all of their locations -- with Arby's slinging baked potatoes at a select 250 of their 3,300 U.S. locations, (and in Canada). The baked potato has been on Wendy's menu for three decades, and has become a steady success for the brand. The restaurant sells an astonishing 1 million baked potatoes a week, which works out to 52 million a year, according to a company spokesperson. So why haven't more chains thrown their caps in the baked-spud ring, and how did Wendy's even come to develop a slow-cooked baked potato for its fast-food menu in the first place?                 
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