We sat down for an exclusive mom-talk interview with Jenna Dewan Tatum. Read on

to check out her favorite parenting products. BestProducts.com: You're such a down-to-earth mom and recently posted a selfie after Everly did your "makeup." Can you tell us about that? Jenna Dewan Tatum: She does it all the time to me! Really! And you have to admit, she understands her contour. She even gave me dots on the nose. It was really her best work so far, so I had to post it.BP: Not all moms would let their kid do that, let alone post it on social media! JDT: I encourage her creativity, and I just love when kids understand their own sense of self. Everly honestly just came out that way. She's particular and opinionated. I even let her pick out her own outfits and do her hair however she wants. It's different for every parent, but for me, I encourage her freedom! BP: Everly is already 4 years old! Do you actually let her pick her own outfits out before preschool, too? JDT: Um, yes! We have this thing called a SleeperHero, and when it turns green that means it's time to wake up. I'll go in when it's still red and let her know that I'm about to take a shower and I'll be coming back in her room in a little bit. She can relax in bed until the little light turns green. After that, I honestly have no clue what I'll come back to. She goes right into her closet. When I come back, I always find it to be the cutest thing ever. I love it.                                                                                                                                                              http://www.bestproducts.com/parenting/baby/a1672/jenna-dewan-tatum-parenting-tips-products/
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