Remember that mobile game Draw Something, where you attempt to draw

various scenes/figures for people, and they have to guess it within a time limit? Well, Google's released a new game that's remarkably similar, with one big twist: instead of other people guessing your drawings, it's a computer. Quick, Draw! is one of Google's newly released A.I. Experiments, developed for the purpose of demonstrating machine learning and neural networks through interactive exercises, and it actually works shockingly well... for the most part. The A.I. rattles off guesses on the bottom of the screen while you draw whatever random thing comes on the screen, which can range from the straightforward (cat, houseplant) to the more conceptual (animal migration?!). You've only got 20 seconds of drawing time, but depending on how abstract the thing you're drawing is, the A.I. frequently gets the right answer before you're even finished -- unless you happen to pull something totally abstract, or you're just a really bad artist.                         
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