HAVE YOU SEEN THAT COMMERCIAL Microsoft made for its new hinged

touchscreen workstation, the Surface Studio? It’s really good. No, scratch that -- it's spectacular. It has all the hallmarks of what we've come to expect from an effective gadget commercial: an inherently cool and innovative product, pornographic close-ups of its mechanics and game-changing features in action (that dial thingy!), and, of course, a magnificently melodramatic anthem to play behind it -- in this case, a cover of the Willy Wonka theme "Pure Imagination," which swells with emotional flourishes at just the right moments. It's the sort of spot that wins awards and literally gives you goosebumps. It’s also the sort of spot we expect from Apple, featuring the sort of wow-worthy product only Apple could make. Or, the sort of wow-worthy product Apple used to make.                                  https://www.thrillist.com/tech/nation/apple-commercials-problems-microsoft-samsung/tech
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