When Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 mysteriously disappeared shortly after takeoff

in March 2014, there was probably no one at the aircraft's controls when it crashed, a new analysis suggests. Satellite data contradicts recent claims that pilots were able to steer the aircraft during its final minutes of flight, right before it plunged into the ocean, Time.com reported. According to a statement released Wednesday (Nov. 2) by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), which is leading the search-and-recovery mission for the missing flight, models of the plane's final trajectory and evidence from wreckage linked to the missing flight show that preparations were not made for a controlled ditch, an emergency water landing under a pilot's guidance. [Flight 370: Photos of the Search for Missing Malaysian Plane]                    https://www.livescience.com/56733-malaysia-airlines-mh370-final-moments.html
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