Federal corridors dotted with charging stations for electric vehicles could become a

reality. Credit: otomobil / Shutterstock.com The federal government is designating 48 electric vehicle charging corridors along 25,000 miles of major U.S. highways as a way to cut greenhouse gas emissions and make it easier for drivers to switch to electric cars, the White House announced Thursday. The plan calls for electric vehicle charging stations to be installed at least every 50 miles within the corridors and new government-approved signage to help drivers identify the locations of charging stations along the highway in 35 states. The Federal Highway Administration said the goal is to accelerate the installation of electric and alternative-fuel vehicle charging infrastructure nationwide as a way to help drive down carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles — the nation's second-largest single source of pollution causing climate change behind the electric power sector.                  https://www.livescience.com/56744-us-designates-electric-vehicle-charging-corridors.html
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